Who We Are

If you dig down deep, these five attributes constitute the core of what makes us Mt Vernon Church. It’s what we breathe, it’s who we are, it’s how we operate. These five strands make up the DNA that defines why we do what we do the way we do it.

What We Believe

Sound doctrine is an essential part of our DNA. In the book of Titus, Paul commands we must “teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine” (2:1). Multiple times in the book of 1 Timothy, Paul urges, “watch your life and doctrine closely” (4:16) and, “command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer” (1:3). It’s obvious God cares about sound doctrine, so we do too.

Our Team

We’re proud of our incredible team of people who dedicate themselves to making sure Jesus is at the center of our worship, our serving, our church community, and so much more. We’d love for you to join us on Sunday so we can meet in person!

For Your Family

We value family. We make it a priority to ensure kids and students don’t just have a fun time at church – but that they find Jesus and community that goes beyond Sundays. We offer life-enriching educational services for adults and children, student ministry opportunities, specialized connect groups, baptisms, and more. Click below to learn more about what we have to offer.

Plan Your Visit

Feel free to dress casually and comfortably. From the moment you pull into the parking lot, our greeters will make sure you feel right at home. Join us a few minutes before the service (which lasts about an hour) for free coffee in our Welcome Center. In our worship experience, our praise band leads in a time of musical praise and worship. You may even recognize some of the songs from the radio. Then you’ll experience relevant teaching as we unpack timeless biblical truths in creative ways. We focus on real-life issues and invite people to take their next step toward God, whatever that might be from wherever they are.